
Are there Risks to Waiting to File a Car Accident Claim?

Have you or a loved one been injured in a car accident in Edmonton or anywhere else in Alberta? If so, it’s essential to act fast and get started on your car accident claim right away. Often many people decide to wait before filing a car accident claim. However, you should be aware of a few risks associated with taking too long to file. Below we discuss the reasons why you should file your car accident claim as soon as possible, the risk(s) of delaying, and how James H. Brown and Associates’ car accident lawyers can be there to help take care of you and your loved ones during this difficult time. Continue reading to learn more!

Why You Should File Your Claim ASAP

If you or a loved one has been in a car accident, you may wonder whether you should file a claim immediately or wait and see how things pan out. Generally, it’s best to file and start your claim as soon as possible. By filing your claim sooner rather than later, you can start to receive the benefits from your insurance company right away and cover potentially significant medical expenses and repairs. Moreover, filing a car accident claim as soon as possible can help preserve essential evidence that could strengthen your case. At James H. Brown and Associates, we suggest that after seeking the appropriate medical attention, you make your next call to a car accident lawyer. The sooner our team is in touch with you, the sooner we can help you navigate your claim and attain the compensation you deserve. 

What Happens if You Wait

If you decide to wait before filing a personal injury car accident claim, Alberta’s statute of limitations law may expire (more on that below), meaning you lose the right to sue for compensation. Additionally, waiting can cause critical evidence from the accident scene to go missing or deteriorate, and witnesses’ memories could become less vivid and skewed, resulting in a harder to settle and longer time-consuming claim. Waiting too long to seek medical treatment has resulting in insurance companies attempting to argue that injuries aren’t as severe or that they are unrelated to that specific car accident. If you or a loved one has been in a car accident, it’s best to consult with an experienced car accident lawyer like those at James H. Brown and Associates in Edmonton right away. 

Alberta’s Statute of Limitations

Alberta’s statute of limitations laws specify how long you have to file a personal injury claim after a motor vehicle accident. For Alberta, the statute of limitations for car accidents is two years from the accident date. If you do not file a claim within this two-year limit, you lose your right to sue for compensation for injuries caused. While there are some exceptions to this rule (if the offending driver who was driving was intoxicated), it’s still best to be proactive with your claim. Speak to a car accident lawyer at James H. Brown and Associates as soon as possible after being in a motor vehicle accident. 

When to Speak with a Car Accident Lawyer

As previously mentioned, the best time to seek out a car accident lawyer is as soon as possible after receiving medical attention. If the other driver was at fault for your accident and their insurance company is uncooperative, James H. Brown and Associates’ car accident lawyers can be the ones to help you negotiate a fair settlement and navigate the legal process. Speaking with your car accident lawyer before giving an insurance company a statement is essential. Many insurance companies will attempt to contact you for a statement to use as evidence against paying you what could be a more favourable settlement. Remember that you are under no obligation to provide the other party’s insurance company with a statement before first speaking with one of James H. Brown and Associates’ car accident lawyers. While every car accident claim will be different, it’s always best to reach out to James H. Brown and Associates in Edmonton immediately after your accident to ensure you know all your rights.

How James H. Brown and Associates Can Help

It’s a common misconception that hiring a car accident lawyer is just another expense when trying to recover from a motor vehicle accident. Many people worry about the potential fees or think they can handle their claims on their own. However, working with a car accident lawyer as soon as possible will almost always get you a better result.

A car accident lawyer from James H. Brown and Associates can assist you in gathering evidence, negotiating with insurance companies, advocating on your behalf, and representing you in court. Our team is committed to standing up for your rights and ensuring you receive the compensation and justice you deserve. Without the support of a car accident lawyer, you will be at a disadvantage when dealing with an insurance company and their huge team of experienced lawyers and adjusters. If you or a loved one has been injured in a car accident, partner with Edmonton’s top personal injury law firm, James H. Brown and Associates!

Ready to Get Started on Your Claim?

If you or a family member has been injured in a car accident, don’t wait to file your car accident claim! Contact James H. Brown and Associates right away.

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