
How Long Will It Take to Settle My Case?

One of the most frequently asked questions is, “How Long Will It Will Take to Settle My Case?” Many people want to put everything related to the accident behind them and move on with their lives, while also ensuring that they receive the compensation they deserve. By understanding the process, you can have both. Rest assured knowing that in order to receive fair compensation, time is needed to properly assess your injuries and the impact it has had on your life. Here are some of the factors that impact how long it will take to settle your case.

The severity of Your Injuries

If you or a loved one have suffered life-changing injuries in a Collision or requires surgery, you may see many health care providers. Time is required to assess your recovery and future care needs. Most often you will not know the long-term nature of your injuries immediately after a car accident. Follow your health care providers’ recommendations to maximize your recovery.

Insurance companies will often offer you a settlement very soon after an accident, before you even know the extent of your injuries and whether or not you will fully recover. Depending on the severity of your injuries, it often takes over a year or two to reach maximum recovery, as assessed by a medical professional.

The impact of your injuries on your ability to work also needs to be assessed, to ensure that you get the compensation that you deserve. Many accident victims are not able to return to work or may have to re-train for a different occupation. The impact of your injuries on your ability to work may be assessed months to several years after the accident, depending on the severity of your injuries.

How Long Will It Take To Settle My Case? Liability Matters

If there is a dispute on who is at fault for the accident, especially if there are multiple vehicles involved, your case may take longer to settle. Liability has to be established before the insurance company will offer you compensation for your injuries. Often this involves questioning, in which you answer questions under oath about what happened in the accident.

Claims may go to mediation. Mediation is a dispute resolution process in which a mediator facilitates discussion and the exchange of offers among the parties involved. Most often claims are resolved before trial, through mediation or another dispute resolution process.

Hit and Run Collisions or Uninsured Drivers

If the at-fault driver cannot be identified or if the at-fault driver did not have insurance, your claim may take longer to settle. Remember that it can take time for the investigation to be completed by the police. Be patient throughout this process and remember that you have recourse to recover compensation for your injuries.

The claims process involves the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Fund. In a Hit and Run collision, the Administrator of the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Fund must be notified. If the Administrator is not notified in time, you can lose your right to compensation. Make sure you understand your legal rights. There are important steps you need to take when the at-fault driver cannot be identified or does not have insurance. You can read more about how the Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Fund works here. Call us today so that you understand the process.

Contact an Accident Injury Lawyer

Each case is unique, the answer to the question “How Long will it take to settle my case?” is different for every file. For more information on how long it will take to settle your case, speak to our precedent-setting Accident Injury Lawyers today. We understand that the trauma from car accidents extends far beyond your physical injuries. We will help you understand the process so that you can focus on your recovery. Time is needed to ensure the impact of your injuries is properly assessed.

There are limitation laws that specify the time you have to sue. After the limitation has passed, you lose the right to sue. Speak with us today so that you understand your legal rights.

Remember that claims can take a number of months or years after the accident to settle, depending on such factors as the severity of your injuries and whether there is a dispute over who is at fault for the car accident. Speak with one of our experienced Accident Injury Lawyers today to understand the steps in your case.  

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